Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Library Day

We went to the library this morning. I love the library!!!

Emily got 4 accelerated readers and The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe on CD to listen to.

Terry got a Dora DVD (they are finally having some kid's DVD's at our piddly little library).

Brenda got the second Box Car book - Surprise Island (this doesn't count for school - so she will be reading this one on her own time) and two books on Amish Quilts. Doesn't that sound fun. We are gonna study the Amish Quilts for her artist study this quarter instead of just one artist. She is just finishing up Mary Cassatt now.

I got nothing!!! I have officially read every Beverly Lewis book they had!!! There is one more series that she's is writing and I've ordered the first book - The Courtship of Nellie Fisher from Amazon. The last one isn't even finished yet, so when I read these two, I'll just have to wait until she's done to find out what happens.

I need to find a new author I guess. I think I'm gonna try and check out Grace Livingston Hill. Any other ideas? Something homemakey!! :-)


Unknown said...

Have you read any of Janette Oke's books? They are really good!

Anonymous said...

I've visited your blog occasionally,(though I never have commented) & really enjoy all the information you give about the books your children are reading. Can you help me with something? I think it may have been your blog that contained a link to a site where it was possible to create a reading list, keep track of which books your children had read, which ones you wanted them to read, etc. It looked so interesting, but now I can't find it!! If it is not something connected with your blog, does it sound like something familiar you may have noted on another homeschooler's site?...or possibly another of your readers could point me in the right direction?

many thanks in advance,