Sunday, July 29, 2007

Brenda's New Book

Update ~~~~ Okay, Mother Teresa got bumped until later in the year. Brenda is gonna start with the Hiding Place - the story of Corrie Ten Boom and her life during WWII in a concentration camp. The Hiding Place is my all-time favorite book. I don't know why I didn't think of this first. We will study a little of Holland, Germany, the Nazis and then Corrie's family and how faithful God is. She had the most remarkable spirit about her. I am so challenged when I read her words!!


It's the end of July - time for lots of new books coming in here. Brenda's first pictorial biography came in the mail today. She will begin studying the life of Mother Teresa when school starts (tied in to a study of India for geography).

I'm more excited because today looking at the Come and See book - it triggered my brain and I thought of Brenda's next bio. She is gonna read one of my all time favorite books - The Hiding Place - about the capture of Corrie Ten Boom and her family and how she never fails to love God and see His beauty in the hellish life she leads in a Nazi concentration camp.

I'm sure we will both learn a lot from these ladies who have seen more than we could ever imagine.

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