Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Created To Be His Help Meet

This is my car book. I try and keep a book in the car for "waiting times". I don't take it in places like the doctor office to read - I bring another book for that. This is just my car book. :-)

So, last night while I was waiting for Troy to finish up work, I read a great passage I thought I would share...

"Who and what would my husband be if he had married another woman? Have I made it possible for him to be a strong confident, aggressive man of God?

Have I allowed god to direct his life and work? Have I appreciated his calling and interests? Have I been a help meet for my man? IS HE A BETTER, STRONGER, MORE CAPABLE MAN FOR HAVING HAD ME AS HIS WIFE? IF GOD WERE CREATING THE PERFECT LADY FOR HIM, WOULD IT HAVE BEEN ME?" (Capitals mine)

Wow, what thought to think about?

It's such a good book. I highly recommend it. It's by Debi Pearl. In the last half of the book she goes through the 8 characters of a good wife - listed in Titus 2 - sober, love their husbands, love their children, discreet, chaste, keepers at home, good, and obedient to their own husbands,

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